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Hillam Parish Council

Welcome to Hillam Parish Council Website

Welcome from the Chair:




I hope you find this website useful and interesting. We have put other web links on the site to make it easier for residents to contact us and other organisations involved in making living in Hillam a better experience.


We have a small but special village.  We have the Christmas Ring Tree Lights; Hillam News; a vibrant and welcoming pub in the Cross Keys; a Bus Service to access services and shops and lots of active social groups here and in Monk Fryston, these all make it a popular place to live.


The Parish Council role is to make sure that we maintain and improve the village and we welcome residents' involvement in that.  

Our meetings are held on the first Monday of the Month, at Monk Fryston Community  Centre at 7.30pm.  
The agenda for each meeting will be on the Notice Board in the Village Square or click here so you can see what business is to be discussed.  
Residents are always welcome to attend.


Councillor O'Connell

Hillam Parish Council

Latest News

The Parish Council aims to bring you the latest information on current issues the village faces.  The Parish Council Meeting Minutes are listed and details the decisions made on the subjects discussed. Click on the links for information about the following current matters:


PC Meetings & Minutes


Planning Updates


Hillam in Bloom​






Hillam Defibrillator


The Defibrilator is located inside the Red Phone Booth in The Square, Hillam.  There is also an emergency phone installed so that the booth can still be used to call the emergency services.  The cabinet is locked, the ambulance service have the code to open the cabinet and will tell this to you over the phone.  It is very important that you call 999 in an emergency.

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