Hillam Parish Council
Finance Reports For the year ending 31st March 2025
Annual Governance and Accountability Review 2024-25:
Will begin after 31st March 2025
Finance Reports For the year ending 31st March 2024
Annual Governance and Accountability Review 2023-24
This year, Hillam Parish Council, as a Smaller Authority, will submit the required documents for an Exempt Parish Council with regards to the Limited Assurance Review conducted by PKF Littlejohn Ltd in compliance with statutory regulations. This is due to both receipts and payments both individually not exceeding £25,000.
A Yorkshire Local Councils Association recommended Independent Internal Auditor will review the accounts and his report will be included in the AGAR.
In line with requirements, the AGAR will be displayed in the notice board as well as on this site once complete.
There will be no further documentation from PKF Littlejohn Ltd following submission of a correct Exemption Form.
Finance Reports For the year ending 31st March 2023
Annual Governance and Accountability Review 2022-23
Hillam Parish Council, as a Smaller Authority, will submit the required documents for a Limited Assurance Review conducted by PKF Littlejohn Ltd in compliance with statutory regulations.
A Yorkshire Local Councils Association recommended Independent Internal Auditor has reviewed the accounts and his report is included in the AGAR.
In line with requirements, the AGAR will be displayed in the notice board as well as on this site.
The External Auditor Report has been received and is also available to view online and in the noticeboard, along with the Notice of Conclusion of Audit.
UNAUDITED AGAR 2022-23 (Redacted) includes:
Finance Reports For the year ending 31st March 2022
Annual Governance and Accountability Review 2021-22
Hillam Parish Council, as a Smaller Authority, usually meets the criteria to be exempt from the Limited Assurance Review conducted by PKF Littlejohn and gross income and gross expenditure are £25,000 or less.
This year, the income was slightly higher than the exemption limits and therefore the Limited Assurance Review will be conducted in line with requirements, the AGAR will be completed and will be displayed in the notice board as well as on this site. A Yorkshire Local Councils Association recommended Internal Auditor will conduct a review of the accounts as usual.
AGAR 2021-22 Documents
Finance Reports For the year ending 31st March 2021
Annual Governance and Accountability Review 2020-2021
Hillam Parish Council, as a Smaller Authority, once again meets the criteria to be exempt from the Limited Assurance Review conducted by PKF Littlejohn i.e.gross income and gross expenditure are £25,000 or less, therefore an Exemption Certificate has been completed and will be submitted. There will be no External Auditor certificate or report, or any other concluding documents. In line with requirements, the AGAR has still been completed and will be displayed in the notice board as well as on this site. A Yorkshire Local Councils Association recommended Internal Auditor has conducted a review of the accounts and found no concerns.
AGAR 2020-21 Documents
Finance Reports For the year ending 31st March 2020
Annual Governance and Accountability Review 2019-20
Hillam Parish Council, as a Smaller Authority, once again meets the criteria to be exempt from the Limited Assurance Review conducted by PKF Littlejohn i.e.gross income and gross expenditure are £25,000 or less, therefore an Exemption Certificate has been completed and will be submitted. There will be no External Auditor certificate or report, or any other concluding documents. In line with requirements, the AGAR has still been completed and will be displayed in the notice board as well as on this site. A Yorkshire Local Councils Association recommended Internal Auditor has conducted a review of the accounts and found no concerns.
AGAR 2019-20 Documents
Finance Reports For the year ending 31st March 2019
Annual Governance and Accountability Review 2018-19
Hillam Parish Council, as a Smaller Authority, meets the criteria to be exempt from the Limited Assurance Review conducted by PKF Littlejohn i.e.gross income and gross expenditure are £25,000 or less, therefore an Exemption Certificate has been completed and submitted. There will be no External Auditor certificate or report, or any other concluding documents. In line with requirements, the AGAR has still been completed and a Yorkshire Local Councils Association recommended Internal Auditor has conducted a review of the accounts.
AGAR 2018-19 Documents
Finance Reports For the year ending 31st March 2018
Hillam Parish Council Annual Return (AGAR) 2017-18
END OF YEAR ACCOUNTS 1st April 2017 to 31st March 2018
A summary of all payments, dates, purpose and amounts including VAT details for each month during the year 1st April 2017 to 31st March 2018 is available above.
Annual Governance and Accountability Return
- including Internal Audit, Governance Statement & Accounting Statements
Govenance Statement Explanatory Notes
Explanation of Significant Variances
Finance Reports For the year ending 31st March 2017
Annual Return 2016-17
END OF YEAR ACCOUNTS 1st April 2016 to 31st March 2017
Click here for the CASHBOOK, a summary of all payments, dates, purpose and amounts including VAT details for the year 1st April 2016 to 31st March 2017.
Section 1 Governance Statement
Section 2 Accounting Statement
Explanation of Significant Variances
Annual Return 2015-16
END OF YEAR ACCOUNTS 1st April 2015 to 31st March 2016
Click here for the CASHBOOK, a summary of all payments, dates, purpose and amounts including VAT details for the year 1st April 2015 to 31st March 2016. This document shows the bank reconciliation for the end of year.
EXTERNAL AUDIT for year 1st April 2015 to 31st March 2016
The parish council are legally obliged to have their accounts audited by an external auditor annually. The external auditors have given their Notice of Conclusion of Audit, please see below:
Notice of Conclusion of Audit
Section 1 Governance Statement
Section 2 Accounting Statement
Section 3 External Auditor Comments
Internal Auditor Comments
Explanation of Significant Variances