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Hillam Planning Applications

This page will list Planning Applications relevant to Hillam Village and post updates on potential developments that affect the village and surrounding area.

ZG2023/1271/FULM | Erection of a solar farm together with ancillary development thereto | Hillam Grange Austfield Lane Hillam

Following the original application, this decision will be taken by the Strategic Planning Committee at the following meeting, Agenda here:


ZG2023/1271/FULM | Erection of a solar farm together with ancillary development thereto | Hillam Grange Austfield Lane Hillam 


Following the public forum hosted by Hillam PC on Monday 22nd January, the Parish Council has completed its submission with regards to the Solar Farm application above.

Hillam Solar Farm proposal - Hillam PC observations


Other Current Planning Applications:

ZG2023/1342/HPA | Single storey front and side extension | 1 Lilac Oval


ZG2023/1336/HEU | Prior approval for increased room ridge height extending up to 7.85 metres (measured externally from ground level to the highest part of the roof) | Talania Hillam Common Lane


Planning Application for 29 dwellings off Main Street

Following the public consultations, Johnson Mowatt have submitted an application to build on Land off Main Street.  See the details and submit comments here: 

ZG2023/0888/FULM | Demolition of an existing single property and the residential development of 29 No. dwellings with associated landscaping and infrastructure works | Land Off Main Street Hillam


Completed - Consultation Notice for an application for houses on land at Main Street, Hillam - May 2023

This is a consultation about a potential application for houses on land between Main Street and Betteras Hill Road.  A previous application by Stonebridge Homes was refused in 2018.  This consultation is being run by Johnson Mowatt, they will be able to use the information and concerns you submit in this consultation to tailor the application in order to resolve the issues as best they can.  The developers will be attending the Parish Council meeting on 5th June, in order to present the proposal and answer any questions.


Please note: there is no reference number to view this application on the Planning Authority website because it has not yet been submitted as an application.  This is a public consultation period only at the moment, set up by the developer.


Completed - Pre publication submission document of the Selby District Local Plan - Public consultation open until 5pm, 28th October

This is the last chance to submit your comments on this Local Plan which creates a framework for how land in the district will be used to develop the area over the next 20 years.


Hillam has a plot of land which has been earmarked as a site for residential development.  The Parish Council have already objected to this during the preferred site consultations and will be objecting at this stage also.


Once this Pre-publication document is approved, it will be submitted to the Secretary of State formally for review.  See the consultation documents here , and there are links to complete the form and add comments here too.  Additionally you can email:


Traveller Site Appeal, Hillam Lane, Public Inquiry Decision 16/5/22

The Planning Inspectorate has returned with its decision to DISMISS the Appeal lodged by the occupants of the unauthorised encampment on Hillam Lane.


Any appeal against this Planning Inspectorate decision can only be made on legal grounds, i.e. if the correct process has not been followed or an unlawful decision has been made.


Hillam Parish Council would like to thank all those who worked hard to get this outcome, particularly:

  • District Councillor Mackman for his support to the PC, his regular SDC updates and his support during the Inquiry

  • Mr Vendy the Planning Consultant for Hillam PC

  • Ian Robertson, a Parish Councillor at the time, who coordinated discussions with the Planning Consultant and ensured Hillam PC was well represented 

  • Mr Grainger and the Planning team at Selby District Council who worked hard to ensure the process was duly followed and enforced

  • and the residents for their support throughout


Councillor O' Connell would like to reiterate his thanks to all those who had an active involvement and ensured the process remained factual, open and transparent.


View PI Appeal Decision Document 



Traveller Site Appeal, Hillam Lane, Public Inquiry Update (28/4/22)

Following the Inquiry, the Planning Inspectorate are expected to announce a decision between mid to end May which will be shared on this page.


Traveller Site Appeal, Hillam Lane, Public Inquiry Update (8/3/22)

The 'Statement of Case' submitted by the Appellant and related documents such as Officers' reports and Personal Statements are now available to view, click here Public Access to visit the SDC planning website.  Then Click on "View Associated Documents"  Reference: AP/2021/0027/REF


Members of the public are very welcome to attend the Inquiry in person.  The inquiry will start at 10am Tuesday 22nd March at Selby District Council Chambers.  The end date has been set for Friday 25th March but this may be altered depending on the progress made each day.


There is also the option to watch the proceedings online, please email or call 01757 705101 (ask for the planning department) for details.


Other Applications affecting Hillam update (8/3/22):

Further to the information from District Councillor Mackman below, you can now submit comments on the following application:

2022/0057/CPE | Lawful development certificate for existing use of land for standing of 27 residential caravans, use of land for standing of 27 vehicles, use of land for standing of 10 portaloos and use of land for storage of hardcore, road scalpings and gravel | Land At A63-A1 Junction 42 Selby Road Monk Fryston


Traveller Site Appeal, Hillam Lane, Public Inquiry Update (16/2/22)

The dates of the Public Inquiry for the Appeal for the traveller site on Hillam Lane have been set.


The Inquiry will take place at Selby District Council Main Chamber at the Civic Centre on Doncaster Road from 22nd March until 25th March - members of the public are able to attend, just turn up on the day.  Live streaming of the Inquiry is also being considered.


Hillam PC will be represented by Mr Vendy who submitted observations against the initial application to SDC on behalf of the PC.  Mr Vendy has recently met with Councillors O'Connell and Robertson to update them on the process and has been working closely with Selby District Council's Planning Department and will ensure the PC's views are made clear.


A ‘Statement of Case’ detailing the basis on which the appellant is appealing the refusal of planning permission will be available on the Selby District Council ‘Public Access’ planning website once it is received.


Other Applications affecting Hillam

District Councillor Mackman has brought a number of planning applications in the area to the attention of the Parish Council.  The PC intend to review the applications below and submit observations where it is felt necessary; members of the public are encouraged to do the same:


Application Number: NY/2022/0021/73

Location: Betteras Hill Quarry, Brotherton Road, Monk Fryston, Leeds, LS25 5HD

Proposal:Variation of condition no. 1 of planning permission ref. C8/2012/0147/CPO to extend the time limits for the completion of landfill and recycling operations.

This is being dealt with by NYCC as a Minerals and Waste application.  Submit comments via


Lumby A63 - application to quarry land to the north of the A63 from Lumby to the A1M junction by Stone Cliff Aggregates.  A website is being set up for public to submit comments - it will be shared here when available.


A1M junction - application for a motorway services.  This initial application will be dealt with by Selby District Council - see SDC 'Public Access'


A63 unauthorised traveller site - an injunction is in place to stop further development on this site.  SDC is awaiting a Planning Application for the COU.  See SDC 'Public Access'


Yorkshire Green - a nationally significant infrastructure improvement scheme, a DCO is expected to be submitted late 2022 - SDC and NYCC have been consulted throughout, as have the public.


Zero Carbon energy storage site Rawfield Lane - refused planning permission by SDC; Appeal submitted.









Traveller Site, Hillam Lane - Appeal Documentation 15/9/2021

Link: AP/2021/0027/REF | Change of use of land to use as a residential caravan site for 6 gypsy/traveller families, each with two caravans and an ancillary amenity building, together with the laying of hardstanding and construction of new access | Street Record Hillam Lane


Traveller Site, Hillam Lane - Appeal Update 13/8/21

An Appeal has been lodged with the Secretary of State against Selby District Council's decision to Refuse the application for 'Change of Use' of the site on Hillam Lane.


Some errors found in the paperwork are currently delaying the Appeals process. Once SDC receive a Start Letter from the Planning Inspectorate, the Appeal will be publicised as usual via the Public Access site:


The decision on the Appeal will be made by the Planning Inspectorate, not any of our local councils.


Yorkshire Green Project, Fairburn

The Parish Council has assigned a member of the Parish Council Planning Sub-Committee to monitor progress on the developments associated with this site in Fairburn.  The plans are for a Zero Carbon Energy Storage and Management Facility.  Should the Parish Council see reason to make observations to the District Council, it shall do so.


Change of Use to Travellers Site, Hillam Lane

The application for the change of use of Agricultural Land on Hillam Lane to a Travellers site was REFUSED by Selby District Council Planning Committee.  This means the District Council will not allow the development.


The Applicant has now lodged an Appeal against the decision of the District Council to the Planning Inspectorate.  All applicants who are refused permission by the Local Authority have the right to lodge an appeal with the Planning Inspectorate.  A full Inquiry has been requested, rather than just a Hearing.


Further details will be released as they are available.


Livestock Buildings, Lowfield Lane

The two planning applications for development of Livestock buildings off Lowfield Road have been Permitted; see the Notices of Decision here 2020/0631/FUL and 2020/0650/FUL


Court Ruling 2020/1126/COU – Hillam Lane


The Court Injunction on Land on Hillam Lane, which had been purchased and occupied by Travelling families, has been heard at the County Court in Leeds.  The Judge has ruled that they must leave and re-instate the land; however they do still have 2 months to appeal against the Planning Application submitted in October 2020 which Selby District Council refused on 1st June 2021.  So it is unlikely any change will be seen before that 2 month period is up.


The full court ruling: His Honour Judge Saffman has approved an Order, with immediate effect, comprising the following terms:

  1. The Defendants are not permitted to return and occupy the site;

  2. Any further development on the site is prohibited;

  3. The remaining two caravans are to be removed within 2 months;

  4. The Defendants must lodge an appeal against the refusal of planning permission within 2 months, if they fail to do so they must reinstate the site to its former condition (i.e. remove hard standing, services etc.) within 12 months;

  5. If they do appeal and lose, they have 12 months from the date of the refusal to reinstate the site;

  6. If they appeal and win, the terms of the Order shall cease to have effect.

The planning application ref: 2020/1126/COU for the site was refused  (1st June 2021)


Hillam Lane Update - Planning Committee 28/4/2021

Selby District Planning Committee have refused Application 2020/1126/COU, the Travellers Site on Hillam Lane.


The Applicants may lodge an Appeal to the Planning Inspectorate;  and we must also wait for the  Injunction Court Case to be heard in early June.


Having left the site in February the residents will breach their current Temporary Injunction if they return. If that happens then each ‘household’ will have to attend a Committal Hearing.


We will keep the Hillam Parish Council website up to date with this and other Planning and local issues.  Please get used to checking in with the website regularly.


SDC Planning Committee Meeting 

The Change of Use Application for land on Hillam Lane will be getting discussed and decided at the Selby District Council Planning Committee meeting on Wednesday 28th April at 2pm.  Residents will be able to watch proceedings via YouTube.  Follow the link to the SDC website which will have the link to the live feed at the time of the meeting and the Agenda.


The PC have a Planning Consultant who will be making representations on its behalf at the meeting.


Planning Consultant representations 19/3/2021

As previously mentioned, the PC enlisted the services of a Planning Consultant to make representations on behalf of Hillam Parish Council with regards to planning applications for Greenbelt land on Hillam Lane.  See the submitted documents below:

2020/1126/COU - Change of Use to Traveller site

2020/1111/S73 - To vary permitted occupants and make site permanent


Anyone may submit comments to North Yorkshire Council Selby Planning on individual planning applications.  The public have 21 days from when a planning notice is posted on site to submit comments - but representations can still be accepted by the planning department after this. 


APPLICATIONS can viewed online via the 'Public Access' portal hosted by Selby District Council.  Follow the link and type in 'Hillam', a keyword or the application reference. You can search for Appeals here too.


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Hillam Lane Update 5/3/2021

Selby District Council Planning Department will be providing information about the processes we can expect to happen in various instances in relation to the unauthorised site on Hillam Lane (e.g. breach of injunction, court hearings etc); this will be shared here once received. 


SDC confirm all reported incidents have been noted (fly tipping, defecation and antisocial behaviour etc) and now other departments at SDC are involved in dealing with these issues.


The application for Change of Use of the site is likely to be going before the Planning Committee for a decision in April, the PC will be represented by the Planning Consultant at this meeting.


Hillam Lane Update 9/2/2021

The Parish Council have now submitted observations about the planning application for the change of use for the site on Hillam Lane.  The application will go before the Selby District Council Planning Committee at a date yet to be confirmed.  Should the Planning Committee refuse permission, it is possible the applicant will appeal and there will follow a lengthy process with the Planning Inspectorate.


With regards to removal of occupants from the site by way of an injunction, a hearing date has been set by the Court for 2nd and 3rd of June.  This date may be moved forward or back depending on the Court schedule, any changes will be reported here.


Reports of violence at the unauthorised site last night, Monday 8th February, were attended by Police and the incident has also been reported to the SDC Planning Enforcement department dealing with the existing injunction on the land.


The Parish Council's draft response to the Section 73 application to vary conditions on temporary permission granted to the existing Travellers site on Hillam Lane has been received from the consultant and is being reviewed by Councillors.


A virtual meeting with the SDC Planning Department to review the situation and progress of both situations has been requested by the Parish Council.


Check Hillam Planning Applications

Reminder to please check the list to the right and view Planning Applications on the Selby District Council Public Access Site  because neighbours will no longer be notified.


Big planning applications currently include:

  • Conversion of another barn into a wedding venue at Bert's Barrow

  • 2 x Pig Barns on Lowfield Road

  • 2 x new dwellings either side of 'Brooklands' on Betteras Hill Road junction

  • Change of Use to travellers site

  • Ten Acres application to remain on site and vary conditions of permission


Selby District Council release 'Preferred Options' document for public consultation Update 22/1/21

The Preferred Options Local Plan document shows where Selby District Council's preferred locations for development are within the District.


A site in Hillam has been pinpointed for housing (same field that Red Row and Stonebridge tried to develop).


The final Preferred Options document, once complete, will evidence to Central Government how Selby District Council intends to meet the development targets that the Government has set.  It can also be used to decline large development applications in areas that are not earmarked as Preferred Options.


The draft document is available now for comments that Selby District Council can then take into account when producing the final document.  To see detailed information on the 'Preferred Options Local Plan' visit:


Neighbours NO LONGER receive notification of planning applications in their vicinity Update 22/1/21

Please be aware that Selby District Council have adopted a new 'Statement of Community Involvement' in effect from 1st January 2021. "In line with current legislation and this new Statement of Community Involvement,  Neighbour notifications will no longer be sent from this date."


Hillam-specific applications will be listed on this page but for the most up to date information, please visit:


Hillam Lane Planning Application Update 22/1/21

There continues to be many enquiries regarding the new travellers' encampment that appeared on Hillam Lane last September.  This is an ongoing situation where a set process must be followed.  Actions being taken regarding the site will not always be visible.  The PC will aim to update this page as soon as information is available.


The Parish Council resolved to seek professional assistance on the matter and has employed the services of a Planning Consultant who has experience in dealing with applications in the Green Belt such as the one on Hillam Lane.  This is to ensure the strongest possible case is presented to Selby District Council with regards to the Parish Council's response to the application.


Hillam Lane Injunctions Update 22/1/21

The current injunction enforced at the new Hillam Lane site includes, amongst other things, restrictions on vehicle/caravan movement on and off site.  This injunction basically ensures the situation remains static until a resolution is found.  This injunction has been granted indefinitely, there is not set expiry date.


The injunction that Selby District Council has applied to the Court for is to enforce the removal of all vehicles and residents off the site.  In line with decisions made at the 'Directions Hearing' on 6th January, the matter will be listed for a final hearing 'on the first available date after 30 April' and has been listed for 2 days.


Breaches of the injunction, along with any evidence, can be reported to the parish clerk and she will report them to Selby District Council.


The next big step here is the Final Hearing for the injunction.  Selby District Council has a team preparing for the court hearing and this is its absolute priority at the moment regarding the matter.  Whether the injunction is ordered or not, there is still a planning application which must undergo the regular Selby District Council planning process.


Planning Sub-Committee Update 22/01/21

The Parish Council have now set up a sub-committee to aid with responding to and following up Planning Applications.  The sub-committee includes residents as well as members of the parish council and meets on an ad-hoc basis when necessary.  It will be working closely with the Residents' Group that was recently set up and it can be contacted via the Clerk.


Hillam Lane Update 27/11/2020

Court proceedings are still ongoing regarding the injunction applied for by Selby District Council (SDC).   SDC are pressing the courts for a Hearing date, you will have read in the National Newspapers about the delays within the Court systems at the moment.  At the same time, the occupants do own the land and have applied for planning permission; they are entitled to do this even if an injunction is granted.


Hillam Parish Council are looking to appoint a Planning Consultant to help with the process on the part of the PC and work with the District Council.  In the meantime, please understand there is a lot of work going on behind the scenes by the District Council and the Parish Councillors which will not always be visible and may also be confidential.  The outcome of the injunction and the subsequent actions to be put in place will be reported as soon as the information is available.


The Parish Council has a Planning Sub-Committee which can co-opt residents onto it.   If you are interested in being part of that then please contact The Clerk on


The next Parish Council meeting is on Wednesday 2nd December at 7.30pm on Zoom.  If you wish to ask questions then please contact the Clerk on the email above and details will be sent to you.


Hillam Lane Update 18/11/2020

The Selby District Planning Website has had 145 objections to the New Travellers Site (2020/1126/COU) and 164 objections on the 10 Acres Site (2020/1111/S73).  If anyone still wants to comment on either then there is still time to do so. The website address for making comments is:


Regarding the New Site; Two new caravans were brought onto the site last Thursday 12th November, Selby District Council Enforcement then had them promptly removed during the afternoon of Friday 13th. The court process is still ongoing and though we may feel nothing is being done, we are assured that Selby District Council are doing all they can to expedite court proceedings.  Last week’s Selby Times reported the Planning Application was for “8 families and 16 caravans” that is NOT what is on the Planning Application document it is 6 families and 12 caravans with amenity buildings.


We intend to work closely with Monk Fryston PC and Burton Salmon PC to object to both applications. This may include seeking external expertise to assist us and we will keep you advised on the actions we take.  The Parish Councillors are residents, who are pressing this issue as hard as possible.


Hillam Lane Update 16/11/2020

Parish Councillors have been updating SDC with regard to the fluctuating number of caravans on the unauthorised encampment.  The Parish Council has contacted the Leaser of the Council and senior officers at SDC for an explanation of the lack of action forcing the occupants to comply with the court order.


Hillam Lane Update 12/11/2020

The planning application for a Change of Use of land has been received (see 'Current Applications', right).  In the last couple of days the occupnts have brought more vehicles on site.  SDC visited the site again yesterday and today.


Hillam Lane Update 9/11/2020...

Selby District Council have applied to the court for an injunction for removal of the unauthorised encampment.

The Landowners of the unauthorised encampment have submitted a legitimate planning application for Change of Use (from agricultural to residential caravan site) to Selby District Council which will undergo the standard planning application process.  You can find details about the application Ref No. 2020/1126/COU and submit your comments via the Selby District Council planning portal Public Access link or by emailing quoting the planning application reference number above.


In addition to this planning application, the residents of the adjacent site which does have temporary permission, have submitted a planning application Ref No. 2020/1111/S73 which would extend the period of time it was permitted for and derestrict the named people who could stay on the site.  Again, to see the application details visit Public Access and submit comments via the Public Access page or by email to


Hillam Lane Update 23/10/2020...

"On Monday 19th of October 2020 Selby Council commenced legal action through the courts. Good progress has been made with further legal action anticipated. The aim of this  is to clear the site and return the land back to open Green Belt. Everyone is working incredibly hard attempting to achieve a positive outcome for the community. We ask for your continued  patience and  we will endeavour to keep you informed of progress as the case develops."


Hillam Lane Update 17/10/2020...

"Selby District Council Planning had already issued a Notice in the past two weeks asking the owners of the field to state what the intended use was.


Until occupation of the land happened today no other action could be taken. Today, Senior Officers from Selby Planning have spent 2 hours on the site and have served a Stop Notice. Works are continuing. Next week we hope further legal action will be taken. The Parish Council is contacting all those people who have influence on this situation; Selby Council; Police Commissioner; Nigel Adams our MP, urging them to take immediate emergency action.


I am afraid that we must follow the law in this situation even though those taking residence on the field are not. Do not try to take any action yourselves.


We hope to keep you informed of the situation, I know it is very concerning. If you know people who don’t get this update because they are not on social media please would you update them."

Councillor Sadler




ZG2023/1186/TCA | Application for consent to fell 1No Silver Birch tree (T1) and crown lift 1No Walnut tree (T2) by approximately 0.9 - 1.2m in the conservation area | Summerhill Main Street


ZG2023/1065/TCA | Application for consent to fell 1No Hollyberry tree (T1), 4No Conifer trees (T2 - T4 & T6), 1No Oleaster tree (T5) and 1No Spruce tree (T7) in the conservation area | Victoria Cottage Chapel Street


ZG2023/1067/HPA | Erection of two storey side extension and re-build of existing single storey rear extension | 6 Ashfield Villas Hillam Lane


ZG2023/0952/HPA | Erection of single storey front extension | 1 Lilac Oval


ZG2023/0857/FUL | Change of use of part of a building from a farm shop to a childrens nursery (Use Class E(f)) and associated works including provision of car parking, a secure play area and external staircase; along with reconfiguration of the adjacent event venue access and car parking areas. | Austfield Farm Austfield Lane



For more applications and decisions, please visit :




ZG2023/1317/HEN | House extension notification for a single storey rear house extension extending 8 metres to rear, 2.97 metres to ridge and 2.97 metres to eaves | Talania Hillam Common Lane





Land North of Border Farm (Aka Ten Acres)

  • see PC response here



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Update from Martin Grainger - Head of Planning, SDC 18/3/2021

Mr Grainger has kindly summarised the current situation regarding the injunctions, dates and expected consequences relating to the unauthorised site on Hillam Lane:


"The hearing of the 2nd and 3rd June is the hearing of the Council’s application for a mandatory injunction requiring the cessation of the use of the site as a Gypsy and Traveller site, the removal of any operational development and the reinstatement of the land to its prior condition. 


Should the site occupiers return to the site in the meantime then the Council would seek a 'committal hearing' against those identified as being responsible for the breach of the interim injunction. This would involve making a new application to court with supporting evidence and would seek action against individuals and would aim to remove those caravans which had been returned to the site.


As indicated we are monitoring the site on a regular basis.


In terms of Planning Committee I have spoken to [your agent] Mr Vendy and indicated we are aiming for a Planning Committee which we would set up for late April.


As you appreciate this is a complex case with significant interaction between Planning and Legal which cannot always be predicted, so we all need to be  aware that outcomes may change as the case proceeds."



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